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How to Strengthen Your 'Contact Us' Page on Your Website

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How to Strengthen Your 'Contact Us' Page on Your Website

Dec 13, 2021
What to include on your Contact Us Page

If you manage a website, then you know one of the most useful functions is direct contact with customers.  

The easiest way to collect responses from readers is through a well-thought-out and well-developed contact page.  

While it’s easy to say you want the best contact page around, developing one can be surprisingly difficult.  

You can’t just throw up a page with your phone number at the end of your website, you need several different forms of contact to allow the reader to reach you as easily as possible.  

In this post, we will discuss some strategies that make a ‘Contact Us’ page successful, and how you can tailor your contact page for your company and industry.  

What to Include on Your ‘Contact Us’ Page 

If you poke around, you will see that contact pages vary greatly from site to site. Some industries require more information than others, so before you re-write your contact page, investigate your competitor’s pages to ensure that you are meeting industry standards.  

Just remember that your competition isn’t necessarily writing their page the right way, so don’t copy what they have, make your page your own.  

Here are some tips to make your ‘Contact Us’ Page better: 

Include your email, phone number, address, and business hours.  

Give your readers all the methods they can use to contact you. Some prefer to call, others like to email, and some still prefer to talk face-to-face. Give the reader every option to make the process easiest for them.  

Include a direct contact form.  

In addition to your business’s information, including a direct contact form that allows readers to send you a message without having to leave your page. Make sure you require their email and phone number in addition to their message.  

Tell your customer exactly what will happen when they fill out your form.  

After the reader submits a comment on your page, include a thank you message and tell the reader the next steps after you read their message. Will you send them an email? Will you call them? Let them know exactly what to expect to reduce confusion. Give an estimate of how long it will take for your company to respond and what you will say. Be realistic with your timeline. The more truthful you are, the better.  

Include an emergency contact number.  

Along with your email and business phone, it is wise to include an emergency phone number, depending on your industry. If you work in an industry that requires emergency service or quick response, include your emergency contact directly under the office phone number. If your business is more sales-oriented, include the emergency number on the thank you page.  

Be wise, don’t give out your personal number unless it is necessary, but also ensure your customers can get a hold of you in case of emergency.  

Include a photo of the exterior of your building and your team.  

This is the step website managers most often miss. An exterior of your business will help make sure visitors know they are at the right location and reduce anxiety on their end. Likewise, a group photo of your team’s smiling faces will showcase a welcoming atmosphere and make reaching out to your business all the easier.  

Make a Contact Page that Suits Your Business 

The best ‘Contact Us’ page is the one that suits your business’s style and tone.  

If you use humor and wit throughout your site, include the same tone on your contact page. If your business is more strait-laced, make the contact page reflect that attitude.  

The most important thing is that the contact page is getting submissions. If you are getting no responses on your contact page there are two reasons. Either your business is perfect and requires no response, or you are missing some key information.  

If you are getting fewer contact page submissions than you would like, reach out to Legend Web Works. Our web development team is highly experienced at turning reader interest into reader responses and sales.  

Get more traction on your site today! 


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