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Google Search Genius

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Be a Google Search Genius!

Aug 20, 2021
Text that reads Become a Google Search Genius! over an image of a lady's hands typing on a laptop

Be a Google Search Genius!

Sure, you know how to type in a few keywords in Google to find what you’re looking for, but the tricks below will turn you into a Google Searching Genius!

These simple tools can help you find more precise results, faster!  If only Google were around back in the days when we were learning the Dewey Decimal System.

Below are some tips you can use to increase your Google I.Q.

Quotation Marks

“Twas the night before Christmas”

Use quotes to search for an exact word or set of words.  This is useful for searching quotes and song lyrics.


grill –charcoal

Put a dash before a word that you want to exclude in your search


Thanksgiving ~desserts

Use a tilde before a term to include results with its synonyms.

Two Periods

Songs 1980..1990

Use two periods between two numbers to express a range of things like dates, measurements & prices.

Dollar Sign


Put a dollar sign in front of your search query to get results of products with their prices listed.

@ Symbol


Use an @ before a search to find relevant social media handles

Hashtag or Pound Sign


Use a hashtag to find social media posts utilizing that hashtag.

Your search is not in Vain

Now that you are a search engine genius, decisions must be made. Do you search for your own brand first? Or do you start with your competition?

If you're looking for full competitor analysis for your brand, contact the experts at Legend Web Works. When you sign up for our social media management package, we include a full analysis of your top five competitors to give you a boost and keep you ahead. 

Happy Googling!


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